Thursday, 2 August 2012

Pixie Lott

So on the 26th November 2011, me and my friend decided to go and wait at the back of the LG Arena to try and meet some artists as there was a concert called BRMB Live 2011 on, with quite a few of our favourite artists included. We left where i live at about half 7, and got there at about 8.30am/9am. We were told that some of the artists would begin to arrive from around 2ish, but there were a lot of other people there waiting aswell that we could speak to, so we weren't bored at all while we waited, it was freeeeezing though! Pixie was the first to arrive, she didn't come over to us when we got there, but her manager told us that she would come out to us later after she had gotten ready, and of course we were all excited. We saw all of the other artists arrive, apart from JLS. None of them came over when they arrived, which I was a bit gutted about because me and my friend had to leave at about 6, so that we could get our train home. We got various waves from other artists like Cher Lloyd, and The Wanted, but other than that it wasn't very successful, we were about to leave, but then I spotted Pixie Lott stood by the door, and then she started to walk over, and everyone started screaming. She started on the end of the row of people, signing albums/getting pictures etc. She then got to me, said Hello and asked how i was, she then let me have a picture with her and then gave me a hug and carried on down the line of people. She was so nice, and so pretty! In the end it was worth waiting the whole day because I got to meet her, but it's a good job she came out when she did because I was literally about to miss her by seconds, so I was very lucky! :)


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