Wednesday, 3 October 2012

One Direction

I met the boys in mexico city.. June the 5th, and this is the story:

I'm not from México city, I'm from Monterrey (northern of mexico) is actually the 2nd or 3rd biggest city in mexico so most of the celebs when come to mexico come to monterrey too.. we (me and monterrey's directioners) were expecting 1D to come too, even the company who organize concerts in mexico tweeted the same day that they announce the fist date in mexico that you were coming to our city too but they deleted. But we had kind of hope that they open a date in our city, Well, then weeks before the concert in mexico I was too depressed because it was 1D first time ever in mexico and latin america and I was not going.. then I entered to some contest in the radio and stuff.. then 3 days before the concert I entered to a sony music contest, I was supposed to sent a pick up line to 1D and the reasons why I would deserve to meet the boys, I wrote too much in there like I was too proud of the boys, that I didn't expected them to become this famous in mexico like this quickly.. that it was my biggest dream in life, etc.. then A DAY before the concert they called me and said that I won a m&g pass I was shaking, crying of the happiness because it was my biggest dream, I convice my mom and bought flight tickets the day of the concert I flew to mexico city and in the airport someone re-selled me a concert ticket so my dream was complete I was going to meet the boys + see them live! I met lots of directioners in the airport and outside the venue too! I can easily say that it was the best day of my life!! I hugged Zayn, Louis and Harry waved to me, Liam said un sacapuntas (that means 'a sharpener' in spanish.. it's like his favorite spanish word) to me and had good eye contact with Niall. I had some gifts, letters and papers with my twitter username (@jessleal7) to the boys but unfortunately security told me to not give it to them.. then in the night the concert was too amazing!! 
and that's all :) xx


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